I Adarsh education society was founded in the year 1985 with the sole purpose of imparting education to the residents of Nallasopara . We have come a long way since then. Progressing towards the 35th year of our glorious existence, the institute caters to the educational needs of about 4000 students (from Nursery to Junior College) hailing the from far flung areas of Nallasopara.

         From its inception it has been carefully nurtured and developed through meticulous planning and judicious selection of staff by the board of trustees. There was no Science College in the Vicinity, we can proudly say that, today Adarsh is one of the few institutes that offers all three streams Arts, Science and Commerce in Nallasopara. In our institute Computer Education is compulsory from Std. 1st to 12th . Our board results for S.S.C and H.S.C have been excellent. The institute has upgraded its computer lab with introduction of information technology and computer science in junior college.

         Keeping in mind the wider horizon of education and the importance of co-curricular activities in the life of the students, our school provides and conducts various co-curricular activities. Proper training & Guidance from the teachers has given the students the opportunity to excel their potentiality in various fields like, elocution, essay writing, quiz, recitation, and storytelling, hand writing, fancy dress, sports, etc. The enthusiastic participation of the student in all these activities is indeed praise worthy.

        It is worth mentioning that our co-curricular activities are not just confined within the school premises, they are well spread out at various levels. Our students have been actively participating in all competition conducted by Vasai Taluka Elementary and Intermediate Exam, Science Exhibition, Hindi Rashtra Bhasha Pariksha, All India Quiz Competition, National Level Cyber, Science and Maths Olympaid Examination etc. In all these activities our students have excelled and kept Adarsh Education Society at the highest pinnacles of glory.

  • Students have to attend school come in full school uniform only.
  • The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, pen, money and any other valuables. As a matter of fact it is not advisable for students to have money or other valuable articles with them.
  • Any kind of damage done by the student in the school premises is to be made good by them.
  • Warning letter system: A warning letter will be issued to student for continuous :
    • Gross negligence of studies and homework.
    • Indiscipline
    • Absence
    These letters will be issued at principal’s discretion. Serious action will be taken against the student who has been issued three warning letters.
  • Students are expected to converse and communicate only in English in the class and in the school premises. Fine will be imposed on students speaking any other language besides English.
  • Any tampering / alteration in any documents pertaining to school e.g. L.C., Birth certificate, Mark sheets, etc. will entail penal action and expulsion from the institute.
  • Care should be taken to keep the building clean. Litter should be put in the bins provided for the purpose.
  • Slip book must be presented at the time of payment.
  • Fees will not be accepted on Saturday, Sunday & Bank holidays.
  • The School Fees counter will be open from 7th to 15th of every month.
  • Cheque in favour of Adarsh Education Society is accepted subject to realization.
  • Parents/ Guardians must ensure that enough balance amount is maintained in the bank before issuing a cheque. Invalidity or bouncing back of cheque will viewed seriously By Charging fine of Rs. 500/-
  • For new Admission, the Admission Fee, half yearly Term fee, tuition fee of one month and Miscellaneous Fee must be paid in advance at the time of Admission and these fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
  • All school fees should be paid before the 15th of every month, failing which a find of Rs. 10/- per month will be levied. Fees for April and May must be paid together before the 15th of March, After 22nd March 2020 No cheque will be accepted. Std – X students should pay the fee of Jan to May in the month of Dec.
  • A duplicate copy of slip book will be issued only on payment of Rs. 100/-
  • Those leaving the school during mid-term will have to pay entire fees for the particular term.
  • No Leaving Certificate will be issued till all dues are paid.
  • Application for Leaving Certificate should be submitted one month in advance, Fees for the first month of the following academic year will be charged if an application is received after May 31st of the previous academic year.
  • All pupils are expected to be in school premises at least ten minutes before the commencement of the classroom to participate in the prayer. If late, they should get a permit note from the principal before they go to the classroom.
  • Attendance is taken at the beginning of each shift. Usually students are not allowed to leave the school before the end of the session. Hence, no request for half day will be entertained.
  • Every pupil must possess a copy of the school calendar which must be brought daily to the class. No pupil is allowed to remove any page from the calendar or to use it for any purpose other than the one it is intended for.
  • The school uniform must be worn at all school functions. The student who comes to school without complete uniform will not be admitted to the class and will be sent home. In such cases the school disclaims all responsibilities. Students of Std. VIII, IX & X have to wear full pants. P.T. uniforms on every Tuesday and Friday should be worn from June.
  • The fixtures and fitting in the classroom and in the school premises are the property of the school. Any damage to them will be severely dealt with, Students found guilty of such an offence will be dismissed from the school.
  • For the information of the parents / guardians, we quote below from the extract from the Grant-in-aid code.
    • Regularity and implicit obedience should be insisted.
    • Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person are accepted.
  • Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in or out of the school premises on the part of the pupils would make them liable to disciplinary action.
  • The duplicate copy of the report card will be provided only when a genuine reason is furnished upon and the student will be charged Rs. 50/- as fine.
  • Uniforms should be purchased from shop exclusively recommended by the school only.
  • Student will be allowed to use the library only during the library period and recess.
  • Books may be retained for a period not exceeding 7 days, but books in great demand are not given for more than 2 days.
  • Books may be reclaimed on request, 24 hours after its return, if the same is not claimed by some other member of the library.
  • Tearing the pages, marking or writing therein will be dealt with penalties and punishment.
  • A borrower will be allowed to borrow a book against his/her identity card or library card.
  • A fine of Rs. 1/- per day will be charged if the books is not returned on the due date.
  • Leave of absence is granted for serious reason and only if a written application from the parents/ guardians are inserted in the leave record page of this diary.
  • Pupils who repeatedly remain absent for more than a month WITHOUT NOTICE, their names will be struck off from the rolls and they will not be readmitted.
  • Tardy arrivals after vacation, and those taking leave without prior sanction are liable to have their names struck off the rolls. But if readmitted upon their late return, they must pay the admission fees again.
  • Prior to leave taken, an absentee must produce written explanation of the absence on the Absence Record Page of the diary. Failure to provide written explanation may result in the student being sent home, in which circumstance the school disclaims all responsibility.
  • Pupil who are suffering from or exposed to any infectious disease will not be allowed to attend school unless the period of quarantine is over.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness and disobedience or conduct, injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reason for dismissal of the student.
  • S.S.C students should have minimum 75% attendance in each term to be eligible to appear for the SSC Board examination.
  • Notice of withdrawal in writing should be given one month in advance.
  • Students who leave school in April must pay the fees for April & May. (Those who leave in November must pay the fees of 1st term.)
  • No Leaving Certificate will be issued until all sums due to the school are paid.
  • A pupil who fails to pay fees up to date will not be allowed to appear for any examination.
  • The First Terminal Examination will be held in October / November. The Annual Examination will be held in March/April.
  • There will be no re-examination / Re-consideration for failures in any subjects.
  • Answer papers can be verified on demand by a written application and students will be charged Rs. 100/- for each subject. However, the final decision is under the discretion of the Principal.
  • Absence from subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
  • Any irregularity detected during examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination room. If discovered subsequently the paper will not be assessed.
  • A Student found copying at any examination is liable to be marked zero in the whole examination and also liable to lose his/her promotion, if found copying again he/she is liable to be expelled from the school.
  • Attendance at all the examinations including the Unit Tests is compulsory. Pupils absent from an examination or a Unit Test without valid reasons and prior approval of the principal, is liable to be treated as having failed in the same. (Absence from an examination in any subject will prevent the pupil from being reckoned in the order of merit or rank in the examination)
  • No student will be allowed to appear for the examination or granted promotion unless he/she has 75% attendance in each term separately as per the rule.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with School Authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that their children prepare their lessons, and by taking keen interest in the activities of the school. In particular they are understood to have entrusted the Principal with the authority to correct and punish at reasonable discretion.
  • SHOULD THERE BE ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASE AT HOME, PARENTS MUST REPORT THE FACT TO THE PRINCIPAL AT ONCE and should not send the students to class till the period of quarantine has passed.
  • Private tuitions for the students of this institution by our teachers are strictly Banned and Prohibited. However if any student is consistently weak and is unable to cope up with class instructions in spite of best efforts by the concerned teacher and if parents desire to engage private tuition of the concerned teacher then in that in that case the parents of the student MUST seek prior expressive permission of the PRINCIPAL in writing. Contravention of these instructions will be seriously viewed.
  • Parents should not forget to enter in the diary the specimen signature.
  • Parents and guardians are specifically requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone numbers without undue delay.
  • The members of the staff can be seen only by appointments arranged before hand through the school office.
  • The attention of parents/guardians is particularly invited to the fact that in spite of periodical reports of their pupils, if no visible improvement is observed in either attendance, studies or their conduct as the case may be, the school authorities will be constrained to take such action as they deem fit.
  • The formation of habits early in life inculcates in them the idea of the dignity of work, a fundamental personal virtue for a successful career in life.
  • Withdrawal of your children from class for social functions is not recommended, because it retards their progress in school and minimized their respect for regular hard work with consequent failures to progress in studies.
  • Parents are advised to attend all the Open House with children to know their regular progress.
  • Parents are requested not to congregate inside the main gate to avoid rush of the student and to facilitate them to leave the school premises peacefully and smoothly.
  • Please help us in this great and noble task of education.